Awash has cultural attractions and dramatic scenery, Ethiopia is far from ordinary. The wildlife here does not appear anywhere else on earth. Memories of being surrounded by hundreds of gelada monkeys with their swirling golden manes and bold red chests will last a lifetime. As will driving the continent’s highest road to see an Ethiopian wolf – Africa’s most endangered carnivore. You’ll be looking for some of Africa’s rarest and most endangered animals in Ethiopia. In Bale Mountains, you’ll see the Ethiopian wolf, which is classified as the world’s rarest dog species. In Simien Mountains National Park, you might spot the Walia ibex, Africa’s only wild goat.
Bale Mountains National Park has diverse landscape that makes it spectacular. The high altitude, Sanetti Plateau rises to over 4,000m and includes the highest peak in the southern Ethiopia highlands. This is made of numerous glacial lakes and swamps and is surrounded by higher volcanic ridges and peaks. The southern slopes are covered by the lush and largely unexplored Harenna Forest.